Potranco Dental office


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What Should be Your Ideal Teeth Routine?

A healthy set of teeth is the main component of a beautiful smile, which is almost a worldwide language. That is why your dental hygiene practice can make or break the message that your smile conveys. However, if you’re like most people, maintaining your teeth is one of those basic grooming activities that has become so ingrained in your everyday life that you hardly consider it.

Basic Dental Care Tips to Include in Your Teeth Routine

Everyone is unique. Additionally, each person’s regimen will vary slightly according to age, line of work, food, and other characteristics. A nutritious diet with few sugary drinks or sweets, daily care, routine professional examinations and cleanings, and fluoridated water are all universal parts of oral hygiene. Here is a basic regimen that will help you start with a healthy oral habit because some of this is too simple and can be followed at home.

  • Brush

Brush twice daily. Not just a quick swipe either. Spend at least two minutes brushing, spending 30 seconds in each of the four quadrants of your mouth. Try using an electric toothbrush if you find it tough to maintain.

Numerous timer versions beep every 30 seconds for two minutes, so you’ll know when to go on. Aim for your gums while holding your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle. Always brush the front and back, then the flat tops back and forth, for the best results. Don’t forget to cover the chewing surfaces on top and the front and back.

  • Floss

At least once daily, preferably right before bed, floss all of your teeth. You should floss first if you plan to floss after brushing. Flossing removes food fragments stuck between teeth and aids in removing plaque so that brushing is more effective. Use enough floss to cover each tooth with a clean portion. This will be approximately 1.5 feet long. Wind off a clean section of floss for the following tooth when the old one gets dirty. Make sure you return to your molars!

  • Rinse Your Mouth

After brushing and flossing your teeth properly, rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Any brand will work, so choose one with a flavor you enjoy to increase your likelihood of doing it frequently. Make sure your lips are sealed so the mouthwash stays in your mouth to do its work by pouring out a capful and swishing it for 30 seconds.

Finally, spit it out. At times, even brushing and flossing fail to remove small pieces of food, but this straightforward action can. Additionally, it completely refreshes your mouth.

No matter how diligent you are, you must visit the dentist twice a year for a checkup and a thorough cleaning that you can’t do yourself.