Potranco Dental office


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Hygiene with Invisalign: Guide on How to Properly Clean Your Teeth


Achieving a straighter smile is within your reach with Invisalign. However, the success of this orthodontic treatment significantly depends on the proper cleaning and care of your Invisalign aligners.

Potranco Road Dentist TX brings you expert insights into maintaining impeccable hygiene with Invisalign through this comprehensive guide. Uncover the essential steps for aligner care and maintenance, ensuring a seamless and effective journey toward achieving your dream smile.

How to Properly Clean and Care for Your Invisible Aligners:

Establish a Routine:

Consistency is key when it comes to caring for your Invisalign aligners. Incorporate aligner care into your daily routine, both in the morning and evening, to maintain optimal cleanliness throughout your treatment.

Always Wash Your Hands:

Before handling your Invisalign aligners, ensure your hands are thoroughly washed with soap and water. This simple step helps prevent the transfer of dirt or bacteria to your aligners, keeping them hygienic.

Rinse Your Aligners Every Time:

Rinse your Invisalign aligners under lukewarm water every time you remove them. This action helps eliminate saliva and plaque, preventing bacteria buildup that could lead to odors or damage.

Use Clear Antimicrobial Soap:

For a deeper clean, gently brush your aligners with a clear antimicrobial soap. Avoid colored soaps to prevent staining. Opt for a soft-bristle toothbrush or a dedicated Invisalign cleaning brush.

Soak Your Aligners Regularly:

Soak your Invisalign aligners regularly in a cleaning solution or Invisalign cleaning crystals. Ensure these products are approved by Potranco Road Dentist TX or the Invisalign manufacturer for safety and efficacy.

Avoid Hot Water:

Use lukewarm water for cleaning your aligners to prevent warping. Hot water can alter their fit. Stick to a comfortable temperature to preserve your Invisalign trays.

Brush and Floss Before Reinserting:

Excellent oral hygiene is crucial during Invisalign treatment. Brush and floss your teeth before reinserting your aligners to avoid trapping food particles and plaque, thereby reducing the risk of cavities and gum issues.

Keep Aligners in Their Case:

When not in use, store your Invisalign aligners in their case. This practice protects them from damage, reduces the risk of loss, and limits exposure to environmental contaminants.

Avoid Eating or Drinking with Aligners On:

To prevent staining and damage, remove your Invisalign aligners before consuming anything other than water. This also minimizes the risk of food particles getting trapped.

Handle Aligners Carefully:

Remove or insert your Invisalign aligners gently to avoid damage or compromising their fit. Gentle handling ensures the longevity and effectiveness of your treatment.

Attend Regular Checkups:

Keep regular appointments with Potranco Road Dentist TX to monitor your progress, address concerns, and receive guidance on aligner hygiene.

Address Discomfort Promptly:

Should you experience discomfort or notice issues with your aligners, contact Potranco Road Dentist TX immediately for timely intervention.

Avoid Harsh Cleaning Agents:

Refrain from using harsh cleaning agents, like bleach or abrasive toothpaste, on your aligners to avoid damage and maintain their clarity.

Stay Hydrated:

Proper hydration reduces dry mouth and promotes saliva production, contributing to the cleanliness of both your teeth and aligners.


Proper care of your aligners is essential for a successful Invisalign treatment. Following expert tips from Potranco Road Dentist TX, you can navigate aligner hygiene confidently. Establishing a consistent cleaning routine, adhering to recommended care methods, and promptly addressing any concerns will ensure an effective Invisalign experience. Commit to your aligner care and witness your smile transform beautifully.